Friday, December 3, 2010

Pumpkin Madness

So I usually blog about my cute boys but this time its about Pumkins! I love fall and all the yummyness that is connected with it. at the beginning of Oct. we went to Humboldt and we visited the pumpkin patch. I picked my pumpkin from the vine. It was displayed in my bay window for decoration for Halloween and then was made into a few yummy treats.
Pumpkin double layer cheese cakepumpkin curry soup

and there was a Pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting but it looks like I forgot to take a pic :(

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Our Boys!

I swear these boys are getting so big so fast! here are a few pictures of the boys the last few days! The big event is yesterday Bryson slept in his new big boy bed. These pictures are after nap time when I went to get him, he is so proud and happy. At night we did have to put him back to bed but he did really well.

some other cute pics!

We heart Humboldt!

Matt and I had such a great time living in Humboldt, we love going back to visit and it is so much fun bringing our family up there, especially Bryson right now because he is in an exploring stage.
We went to visit our friends Daryl, Sarah, and Raya and soon to be Marshall.

First we went to the Community Forest and let Bryson run around in the woods. I love that this Park is surrounded by Redwoods!

So we woke Bryson up from his nap since it was getting late. I feel like a bad mom but this picture CRACKS me up! we put Everett in there after Bryson was awake but the look on both of their faces is priceless!

After nap we went to the school house to see the Elk,Bryson liked them so much he wanted to go play with them....we didnt think it was a good idea! Everett was just hanging out.

(just a cute pic)

The next day we started the day off with the farmers market. We love Arcata, and we love the Plaza!

Bryson and Raya were very cute running around! we love Raya and wish we saw her more often.
They were having pastel on the plaza, people drew pictures with chalk it was pretty cool!
After nap this day we went to the pumpkin patch we got our pumpkins from the vine it was such a good time!

and that was Humboldt, on the way home we stopped in Leggett to the drive through tree.

Yay for road trips!

Weekend in Sacramento

Last year for Miriams Birthday we went to Sacramento to hang out with her and go to Apple Hill, we had so much fun that we decided to go again. (here is a picture from last year.)
This year was a little different, they didnt have as much fall stuff to take pictures by, but they did have a petting area and this year they had a pony ride, Bryson had his first ride ever and was very happy and serious on his ride!
Bryson really likes Gatlin they are buddies! Gatlin and Miriam are so awesome with our kids we are lucky to have them in our kids life!
Our favorite part of Apple Hill is the Apple pie and Apple Cider! its sooo AMAZING! its a fun family and friend day out :) Miriam thanks for having a Birthday that we can celebrate every year.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Carly came to visit!

We had such a great time when my friend Carly came to visit. She is my friend from high school and over the past 3 years the only time we have seen each other was at each others wedding, it's nice but you really don't get to spend quality time when someone is getting married!

We went to Santa Cruz and went to the beach, then had some YUMMY Brazilian food at Cafe Brasil.
Unfortunately everyone got sick the rest of the time so we hung out at the house, Carly went home and she got sick. But we did get some cute pictures

After we walked around for a while Matt took him to walk down by the waves, for some reason it didnt occur to Matt that Bryson would LOVE to get in the water or should I say run to the water! so this is the result.... it was hilarious.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brashears family visit minus Travis

Matts dad was able to take leave from the Army and was able to visit, so the whole Family( except Trav) came up and had a good time with Bryson.Grandma and Grandpa took him to Happy Hallow

visit with the stoddards. They came down from Sacramento. Bryson had such a good time!
other cute pics of the trip :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bryson is a big brother!

On Friday August 6th our little guy became a big brother! Everett Parker Brashears was born at 11:41am, 7lbs 9 oz and 19in long. We are so blessed to have this new addition to our family, so far Everett is a great eater and sleeper, hopefully it stays that way once we go home tomorrow!
Bryson has been able to visit him twice and has been super cute! yesterday he gave him a kiss (which we missed on camera :( ) and today he tried to share his animal crackers with him, yay for sharing..he is not to animal crackers yet :)I love taking pictures of Matt and the boys, lets face it Men are really attractive with a baby in their arms!
we have also been blessed with a lot of help we were able to drop Bryson off at Jen's house in the morning to play with Luke, I hated calling because I knew that they were celebrating their 5th anniversary in san fran that day (hope you guys had a blast). She then sent him over to Meg's house with Luke and basically Meg had her own day care for the day... Thanks guys I really couldnt have done it with out you!
My parents also came into town that evening and brought Bryson to come see us and meet his brother, they are on Bryson duty and loving every minute :)

Everett has been very lucky in his day and a half of life so far.. he has been introduced to all 4 of his grandparents because of awesome technology called skype! Matts dad is over sea's in the Army and is in a undisclosed place(wink wink) but was able to meet Everett and we were able to reach Matts mom at home and meet his Uncle Austin and Aunt Goose too.. so just his 2 uncle Travis's are left.

I am off to get some rest! and play with my new boy. The Brashears home has added a member to team testosterone, I am out numbered even more : )

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vasona Park

Knowing that this summer there was a limited summer school program, we decided that we would have a really fun summer as a family. We have played with Bryson and taken him on some really fun adventures that to him just pass the time, since lets face it he won't remember it other that the pictures we have! As we have already shown, we went to the R Ranch, SoCal, the Aquarium and many Parks around the area.

This last part of my pregnancy has been very hit and miss on how I feel from day to day. Last year we went to the Garlic Festival and I was very much was determined to go, but on the day before I decided (and Matt was very happy) that because my back had been hurting and my ankles were swollen that it was not a great idea.
That being said, when you are in the mind frame of having a good time you don't just want to stay home, so we decided to "take it easy" and find something that would be fun, get the crazies out of Bryson and let us be outside. My friend Jen had taken her son Luke to Vasona Park, in Los Gatos for his Bday and they had such a good time. They have a small train, carousel, and a park with a decommissioned jet and fire truck... we thought Bryson would love it! Turns out Matt and I loved it even more :)
It was a great family outing and the train was only $2, much cheaper than the Garlic Fest. would have been, but don't think I will miss it next year!!!