Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We heart Humboldt!

Matt and I had such a great time living in Humboldt, we love going back to visit and it is so much fun bringing our family up there, especially Bryson right now because he is in an exploring stage.
We went to visit our friends Daryl, Sarah, and Raya and soon to be Marshall.

First we went to the Community Forest and let Bryson run around in the woods. I love that this Park is surrounded by Redwoods!

So we woke Bryson up from his nap since it was getting late. I feel like a bad mom but this picture CRACKS me up! we put Everett in there after Bryson was awake but the look on both of their faces is priceless!

After nap we went to the school house to see the Elk,Bryson liked them so much he wanted to go play with them....we didnt think it was a good idea! Everett was just hanging out.

(just a cute pic)

The next day we started the day off with the farmers market. We love Arcata, and we love the Plaza!

Bryson and Raya were very cute running around! we love Raya and wish we saw her more often.
They were having pastel on the plaza, people drew pictures with chalk it was pretty cool!
After nap this day we went to the pumpkin patch we got our pumpkins from the vine it was such a good time!

and that was Humboldt, on the way home we stopped in Leggett to the drive through tree.

Yay for road trips!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures from this trip. I have driven through that tree too on the way home from taking Matt to Humboldt the first time. Nicole and Austin were pretty young and thought it was cool. Glad you get to go up there and visit - it is a cool place.
