Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bryson is a big brother!

On Friday August 6th our little guy became a big brother! Everett Parker Brashears was born at 11:41am, 7lbs 9 oz and 19in long. We are so blessed to have this new addition to our family, so far Everett is a great eater and sleeper, hopefully it stays that way once we go home tomorrow!
Bryson has been able to visit him twice and has been super cute! yesterday he gave him a kiss (which we missed on camera :( ) and today he tried to share his animal crackers with him, yay for sharing..he is not to animal crackers yet :)I love taking pictures of Matt and the boys, lets face it Men are really attractive with a baby in their arms!
we have also been blessed with a lot of help we were able to drop Bryson off at Jen's house in the morning to play with Luke, I hated calling because I knew that they were celebrating their 5th anniversary in san fran that day (hope you guys had a blast). She then sent him over to Meg's house with Luke and basically Meg had her own day care for the day... Thanks guys I really couldnt have done it with out you!
My parents also came into town that evening and brought Bryson to come see us and meet his brother, they are on Bryson duty and loving every minute :)

Everett has been very lucky in his day and a half of life so far.. he has been introduced to all 4 of his grandparents because of awesome technology called skype! Matts dad is over sea's in the Army and is in a undisclosed place(wink wink) but was able to meet Everett and we were able to reach Matts mom at home and meet his Uncle Austin and Aunt Goose too.. so just his 2 uncle Travis's are left.

I am off to get some rest! and play with my new boy. The Brashears home has added a member to team testosterone, I am out numbered even more : )


  1. Congratulations! Jacob and I both said, "Glad Matt didn't go to Scout Camp!!"

  2. Congratulations! None of the pictures give a proper view of Everett's face... More please! :)

  3. hey! i didnt know u had a blog! i saw it on a friends :) congrats on the new baby boy! i hope u enjoyed time at the hospital!

  4. Congratulations! Love the pic of Bryson holding the sign- too cute!

  5. Yay for baby Everett! I'm so excited for you guys--Bryson will love having a brother. He might not love it now, or for the next little while, but eventually he, and therefore YOU, will love having a little buddy to share his interests and play with him and keep life interesting.

  6. yay! congratulations! and welcome to the 3boys vs 1 girls club ;)
